Two Languages | Endless Possibilities

Sign-up to Speak to the Board of Managers!

In addition to emailing, Helms community members can also share their concerns about changes to our magnet program by speaking at an HISD Board of Managers Workshop or Regular Meeting. Depending on the number of registrants, you will either have 1 minute or 2 minutes to speak. A 1-minute speech is approximately 120 words. Translation services are available.



Board of Managers Workshop

Thursday, April 4 at 5 p.m.

Hattie Mae White Education Center

4400 W 18th St, Houston, TX 77092

Regular Board Meeting

Thursday, April 11 at 5 p.m.

Hattie Mae White Education Center

4400 W 18th St, Houston, TX 77092

How to Register to Speak:

Registration to speak at a Board Workshop or Meeting is open from Monday at 5:00 p.m. to Wednesday at 12 p.m.

Click here to register: https://houstonisd.legistar

1. Click on e-comment for the meeting for which you want to register. It is on the FAR right of the screen.
2. Sign in or create an account if you do not already have one.
3. Click on the agenda item you want to sign up for. Click on both “register to speak” and “I agree.” 
4. You will get an email confirmation immediately after you sign up. If you do not receive it, check your spam folder.
5. If you want to speak on zoom, you need to fill out the zoom form in the email you receive after signing up on the HISD site.

You can also complete this form in English or esta forma en espanol and email it to by Wednesday at noon.

At the most recent Board Meeting, the order of speakers was student speakers first, then the speakers were called on a 1 st come, 1 st serve basis.

If you need help registering, please email for additional assistance. We are here to help!